K. Kieslich, N. Diakopoulos, N. Helberger. Using Scenario-Writing for Identifying and Mitigating Impacts of Generative AI. EvalEval Workshop at NeurIPS. 2024.
M. Allaham, K. Kieslich, N. Diakopoulos. Towards Leveraging News Media to Support Impact Assessment of AI Technologies. EvalEval Workshop at NeurIPS. 2024.
J. Veerbeek and N. Diakopoulos. Using Generative Agents to Create Tipsheets for Investigative Data Reporting. Proc. Computation + Journalism Symposium. 2024. [pre-print]
S. Nishal, E. Lee, and N. Diakopoulos. De-jargonizing Science for Journalists with GPT-4: A Pilot Study. Proc. Computation + Journalism Symposium. 2024. [pre-print]
C. Li and N. Diakopoulos. Probing GPT-4 for Knowledge of Journalistic Tasks. Proc. Computation + Journalism Symposium. 2024.
J. Zier and N. Diakopoulos. Labeling AI-Generated News Content: Matching Journalist Intentions with Audience Expectations. Proc. Computation + Journalism Symposium. 2024.
H. Cools and N. Diakopoulos. Uses of Generative AI in the Newsroom: Mapping Journalists' Perceptions of Perils and Possibilities. Journalism Practice. 2024.
J. Barnett, K. Kieslich, N. Diakopoulos. Simulating Policy Impacts: Developing a Generative Scenario Writing Method to Evaluate the Perceived Effects of Regulation. Proceedings of the Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES). 2024. [pre-print]
F. Yang, M. Cai, C. Mortenson, H. Fakhari, A. Lokmanoglu, N. Diakopoulos, E. Nisbet, M. Kay. The Backstory to “Swaying the Public”: A Design Chronicle of Election Forecast Visualizations. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2024. [pre-print]
A. Opdahl, N. Helberger, N. Diakopoulos. AI and The News. AI Magazine. 2024.
K. Kieslich, N. Diakopoulos, N. Helberger. Anticipating Impacts: Using Large-Scale Scenario Writing to Explore Diverse Implications of Generative AI in the News Environment. AI Ethics. 2024. [Link; pre-print]
N. Diakopoulos, H. Cooles, C. Li, N. Helberger, E. Kung, A. Rinehart. Generative AI in Journalism: The Evolution of Newswork and Ethics in a Generative Information Ecosystem. Associated Press Report. 2024. [PDF]
K. Kieslich, N. Helberger, N. Diakopoulos. My Future with My Chatbot: A Scenario-Driven, User-Centric Approach to Anticipating AI Impacts. Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT). 2024. [pre-print]
N. Diakopoulos. Predictive Journalism. Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Eds. A. Nai, M. Grömping, D. Wirz. Edward Elgar Publishing. 2024. [pre-print]
S. Nishal, C. Li, N. Diakopoulos. Domain-Specific Evaluation Strategies for AI in Journalism. CHI Workshop on Evaluating Interactive AI. 2024. [PDF]
F. Yang, C. Mortenson, E. Nisbett, N. Diakopoulos, M. Kay. In Dice We Trust: Uncertainty Displays for Maintaining Trust in Election Forecasts Over Time. Proc. Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). 2024. [PDF] (Best Paper Award)
M. Allaham and N. Diakopoulos. Evaluating the Capabilities of LLMs for Supporting Anticipatory Impact Assessment. Arxiv. [pre-print]
S. Nishal, J. Sinchai, N. Diakopoulos. Understanding Practices around Computational News Discovery Tools in the Domain of Science Journalism. Proceedings of the ACM (PACM): Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW). 2024. [PDF]
N. Diakopoulos, C. Trattner, D. Jannach, I. Costera Meijer, E. Motta. Leveraging Professional Ethics for Responsible AI. Communications of the ACM (CACM). 2024. [Web Link; PDF]
N. Diakopoulos. The Emergence of Computational Journalism at Georgia Tech, 2006-2008. Milestones in Digital Journalism. Ed. John V. Pavlik. Routledge. 2024. [pre-print]
F. Yang, M. Cai, C. Mortenson, H. Fakhari, A. Lokmanoglu, J. Hullman, S. Franconeri, N. Diakopoulos, E. Nisbett, M. Kay. Swaying the Public? Impacts of Election Forecast Visualizations on Emotion, Trust, and Intention in the 2022 U.S. Midterms. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2023. [PDF] (Best Paper Award)
N. Hagar and N. Diakopoulos. Algorithmic Indifference: The Dearth of News Recommendations on TikTok. New Media & Society. 2023. [Link]
J. Bandy and N. Diakopoulos. Facebook’s News Feed Algorithm and the 2020 U.S. Election. Social Media + Society. 2023. [Link]
B. Witzenburger and N. Diakopoulos. Election Predictions in the News: How Users Perceive and Respond to Visual Election Forecasts. Information, Communication and Society. 2023. [Link]
S. Petridis, N. Diakopoulos, K. Crowston, M. Hansen, K. Henderson, S. Jastrzebski, J. Nickerson, L. Chilton. AngleKindling: Supporting Journalistic Angle Ideation with Large Language Models. Proc. Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). 2023. [PDF]
N. Diakopoulos. The Emergence of Computational Journalism at Georgia Tech, 2006-2008. Milestones in Digital Journalism. Ed. John V. Pavlik. Routledge. 2023. (forthcoming)
T. Aitamurto, E. Borges-Rey, N. Diakopoulos. The Future of Design + Journalism: A Manifesto for Bridging Digital Journalism and Design. Digital Journalism. 2023. [Link]
S. Nishal and N. Diakopoulos. Envisioning the Applications and Implications of Generative AI for News Media. CHI Workshop on Generative AI & HCI. 2023. [PDF]
N. Helberger and N. Diakopoulos. ChatGPT and the AI Act. Internet Policy Review, 12(1). 2023. [Link]
S. Nishal and N. Diakopoulos. From Crowd Ratings to Predictive Models of Newsworthiness to Support Science Journalism. Proceedings of the ACM (PACM): Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW). 2022.
N. Helberger and N. Diakopoulos. The European AI Act and How it Matters for Research into AI in Media and Journalism. Digital Journalism. 2022. [PDF]
J. Barnett and N. Diakopoulos. Crowdsourcing Impacts: Exploring the Utility of Crowds for Anticipating Societal Impacts of Algorithmic Decision Making. Proceedings of the Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES). August, 2022. [PDF]
D Liu, P. Nanayakkara, S. Sakha, G. Abuhamad, S. L Blodgett, N. Diakopoulos, J. Hullman, T. Eliassi-Rad. Examining Responsibility and Deliberation in AI Impact Statements and Ethics Reviews. Proceedings of the Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES). August, 2022. [PDF]
G. Lee, J. Sinchai, D. Trielli, N. Diakopoulos. Cataloging Algorithmic Decision Making in the U.S. Government. Proc. Computation + Journalism Symposium. June, 2022. [PDF]
N. Diakopoulos, J. Bandy. H. Dambanemuya. Auditing Human-Machine Communication Systems Using Simulated Humans. Sage Handbook of Human-Machine Communication, Eds. Andrea L. Guzman, Rhonda McEwen, and Steve Jones, 2022. [PDF]
J. Bandy and N. Diakopoulos. All the News that’s Fit to Tweet: Sociotechnical Local News Distribution from the New York Times to Twitter. News Quality in the Platform Era. Eds. Phil Napoli and Regina Lawrence. Routledge. 2022. [PDF]
N. Diakopoulos. Predictive Journalism: On the Role of Computational Prospection in News Media. Tow Center for Digital Journalism. 2022. [Link | PDF]
C. Colglazier and N. Diakopoulos. Predictive Models in News Coverage of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the U.S.. International Communication Association (ICA) Conference. 2022.
D. Trielli and N. Diakopoulos. Algorithmic Agenda Setting: The Shape of Search Media During the 2020 US Election. #ISOJ Journal. 2022. (Top Paper Award) [Link]
C. Trattner, D. Jannach, E. Motta, I. Costera Meijer, N. Diakopoulos, M. Elahi, A. Opdahl, B. Tessem, N. Borch, M. Fjeld, L. Øvrelid, K. De Smedt, H. Moe. Responsible Media Technology and AI: Challenges and Research Directions. AI and Ethics. 2021. [Link]
N. Hagar, N. Diakopoulos, B. DeWilde. Anticipating Attention: On the Predictability of News Headline Tests. Digital Journalism. 2021. [PDF]
Y. Wang and N. Diakopoulos. Highlighting High-Quality Content as a Moderation Strategy: The Role of New York Times Picks in Comment Quality and Engagement. ACM Transactions on Social Computing. 2021.
J. Bandy and N. Diakopoulos. Curating Quality?: How Twitter’s Timeline Algorithm Treats Different Types of News. Social Media + Society. 2021. [Link]
N. Diakopoulos, D. Trielli, and G. Lee. Towards Understanding and Supporting Journalistic Practices Using Semi-Automated News Discovery Tools. Proceedings of the ACM (PACM): Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW). 2021. (Impact Recognition) [PDF]
P. Nanayakkara, J. Hullman, and N. Diakopoulos. Unpacking the Expressed Consequences of AI Research in Broader Impact Statements. Proceedings of the Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES). 2021. [PDF]
J. Bandy and N. Diakopoulos. More Accounts, Fewer Links: How Algorithmic Curation Impacts Media Exposure in Twitter Timelines. Proceedings of the ACM (PACM): Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW). 2021. [PDF]
H. Dambanemuya and N. Diakopoulos. Auditing the Information Quality of News-Related Queries on the Alexa Voice Assistant. Proceedings of the ACM (PACM): Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW). 2021. [PDF]
Y. Wang and N. Diakopoulos. Journalistic Source Discovery: Supporting The Identification of News Sources in User Generated Content. Proc. Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). 2021. [PDF]
D. Johnson and N. Diakopoulos. What To Do About Deepfakes. Communications of the ACM. Feb, 2021. [PDF]
Y. Wang and N. Diakopoulos. The Role of New York Times Picks in Comment Quality and Engagement. HICSS Track on Mediated Conversation. Jan, 2021. [Link]
P. Nanayakkara, N. Diakopoulos, J. Hullman. Anticipatory Ethics and the Role of Uncertainty. Workshop on Navigating the Broader Impacts of AI Research @ NeurIPS. December, 2020. [Link]
D. Gómez Zará and N. Diakopoulos. Characterizing Communication Patterns between Audiences and Newsbots. Digital Journalism. 2020. [Link]
J. Bandy and N. Diakopoulos. #TulsaFlop: A Case Study of Algorithmically-Influenced Collective Action on TikTok. FAccTRec Workshop on Responsible Recommendation. September, 2020. [Link]
N. Diakopoulos. Artificial Intelligence and Journalism. The Encyclopedia of Journalism 2nd Edition. Sage. 2020.
C. Peterson-Salahuddin and N. Diakopoulos Negotiated Autonomy: The Role of Social Media Algorithms in Editorial Decision Making. Media and Communication. 2020 [PDF]
N. Diakopoulos and D. Johnson Anticipating and Addressing the Ethical Implications of Deepfakes in the Context of Elections. New Media & Society. 2020. [Preprint | Link]
J. Bandy and N. Diakopoulos. Auditing News Curation Systems: A Case Study Examining Algorithmic and Editorial Logic in Apple News. Proc. International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM). June, 2020. [PDF]
D. Trielli and N. Diakopoulos Partisan Search Behavior and Google Results in the 2018 U.S. Midterm Elections. Information, Communication and Society. May, 2020. [Link]
N. Diakopoulos. Transparency. Oxford Handbook of Ethics and AI. Eds. Markus Dubber, Frank Pasquale, Sunit Das. March, 2020.
N. Diakopoulos. Computational News Discovery: Towards Design Considerations for Editorial Orientation Algorithms in Journalism. Digital Journalism. March, 2020. [PDF]
N. Diakopoulos, M. Dong, L. Bronner, and J. Bowers. Generating Location-Based News Leads for National Politics Reporting. Proc. Computation + Journalism Symposium. March, 2020 [PDF]
D. Trielli and N. Diakopoulos. How Journalists Can Systematically Critique Algorithms. Proc. Computation + Journalism Symposium. March, 2020 [PDF]
Y. Wang and N. Diakopoulos. Readers’ Perceptions of Personalized News Articles. Proc. Computation + Journalism Symposium. March, 2020 [PDF]
H. Dambanemuya and N. Diakopoulos. “Alexa, what is going on with the impeachment?” Evaluating smart speakers for news quality. Proc. Computation + Journalism Symposium. March, 2020 [PDF]
N. Hagar, J. Bandy, D. Trielli, Y. Wang, and N. Diakopoulos. Defining Local News: A Computational Approach. Proc. Computation + Journalism Symposium. March, 2020 [PDF]
N. Diakopoulos. Towards a Design Orientation on Algorithms and Automation in News Production. Digital Journalism. November, 2019 [Link]
M. Díaz and N. Diakopoulos. Whose Walkability?: Challenges in Algorithmically Measuring Subjective Experience. Proceedings of the ACM (PACM): Human-Computer Interaction: Volume 3, Issue CSCW. November, 2019 [PDF]
N. Diakopoulos. Automating the News: How Algorithms are Rewriting the Media. Harvard University Press. June, 2019. [Link]
D. Trielli and N. Diakopoulos. Search as News Curator: The Role of Google in Shaping Attention to News Information. Proc. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). May, 2019. (Best Paper Honorable Mention) [PDF]
C-G Lindén, H. Tuulonen, A. Bäck, N. Diakopoulos, M. Granroth-Wilding, L. Haapanen, L. Leppänen, M. Melin, T. Moring, M. Munezero, S. Sirén-Heikel, C. Södergård, H. Toivonen. News Automation: the rewards, risks and realities of ‘machine journalism’. WAN IFRA Report. March, 2019. [Link]
N. Hagar and N. Diakopoulos. Optimizing Content with A/B Headline Testing: Changing Newsroom Practices. Media and Communication. 7 (1), 2019. [PDF]
J. Bandy and N. Diakopoulos. Getting to the Core of Algorithmic News Aggregators: Applying a Crowdsourced Audit to The Trending Stories Section of Apple News. Computation + Journalism Symposium. February, 2019. [PDF]
N. Diakopoulos. The Algorithms Beat. Data Journalism Handbook. Eds. Liliana Bornegru and Jonathan Gray. 2018. [Link]
M. Koliska and N. Diakopoulos. Disclose, Decode and Demystify: An Empirical Guide to Algorithmic Transparency. The Routledge Handbook of Developments in Digital Journalism Studies. Eds. Scott Eldridge II and Bob Franklin. October, 2018.
N. Diakopoulos, D. Trielli, J. Stark, S. Mussenden. I vote for – How search informs our choice of candidate. In: Digital Dominance: The Power of Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple. Eds. M. Moore and D. Tambini. June, 2018. Open Access [PDF]
Data-Driven Storytelling. Eds. N. Riche, C. Hurter, N. Diakopoulos, S. Carpendale. A.K. Peters / CRC Press. March, 2018. Amazon
N. Diakopoulos. Ethics in Data-Driven Visual Storytelling. Data-Driven Storytelling. Eds. N. Riche, C. Hurter, N. Diakopoulos, S. Carpendale. A.K. Peters / CRC Press. March, 2018.
S. Drucker, S. Huron, R. Kosara, J. Schwabish, and N. Diakopoulos. Communicating Data to an Audience. Data-Driven Storytelling. Eds. N. Riche, C. Hurter, N. Diakopoulos, S. Carpendale. A.K. Peters / CRC Press. March, 2018.
D. Trielli, J. Stark and N. Diakopoulos. Algorithm Tips: A Resource for Algorithmic Accountability in Government. Computation + Journalism Symposium. October, 2017. [PDF][Link]
D. Park, S. Kim, J. Lee, J. Choo, N. Diakopoulos. N. Elmqvist. ConceptVector: Text Visual Analytics via Interactive Lexicon Building using Word Embedding. Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). October, 2017. [PDF Pre-print]